"Take another sip of your Hater-aide..."

You haters! Old Joe is taking his lumps in the press and the world of blogs these days. "Super Slow Joe" is one of my favorites so far and hey, you cannot deny that Joe seems to be a half step behind lately. The Joe of 2 years a go would probably have 15 points thus far and be first on the team in scoring. But, this season the best he can do is 12 points and 3rd on the team.. 3rd on the team by a point. Seriously people? In a more perfect world Joe would become a sniper of a role player instead of playing the minutes he does covering for the other forwards on the defensive side of the red line. But to imply that he is not earning his spot on the roster is a little over the top. Give the man a supporting cast and you will see him morph into the pure scorer you so badly want him to be. Why are we not talking about the bottom of the pile? Look here and tell me how Marek Svatos has fewer points than 2 of our D-men. How does Cody McLeod have more points than David Jones and Tyler Arnason? Why is T.J. Hensik just now being called up? I am not sure what else the management has to salvage right now but it seems like a great time to shake it up. Drop some under performers to the farm teams, send a message and make a real effort to get better. Take another sip of your Hater-aide and keep trashing Joe. The problems are bigger than #19.. and #21 won't fix them either.


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